Rebellious Ancient Greek princess, Antigone, of famed father Oedipus and his mother Jocasta, is pitted against stern and unbending King Creon. When Antigone defies Creon’s orders and buries her ~traitorous brother, her act of love and bravery triggers a tragic sequence of events. Focusing on the revolution of idealistic young adults in societies which dictate their actions and emotions, this Hysterical Productions season explores the struggle to remain true to oneself in the face of adversity; beginning with ANTIGONE, a striking take on Sophocles’ great tragedy.
Show on Oct 12th-13th at 7:30pm.
Show on Oct 14th is at 2:00pm
Ticket prices vary
Date(s) & Time(s)
Start: Fri, Oct 12th 2018 7:30 PMLocation
The Grand Oshkosh