The Endurance

Connect Downtown Oshkosh


Rochelle Pennington tells the story of the epic adventure of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s “Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition,” a true account of human strife and triumph. The crew of twenty-eight sailors and scientists on board the ship set sail in 1914, southward bound, to conquer one of the few remaining explorative feats which had not yet been accomplished by others before them: a complete on-foot crossing of the Antarctic continent. But before reaching land, their ship became trapped in the rapidly forming ice 100 miles off the coast. The crew, stranded 11,000 miles from home, waited for the spring thaw through nine long months of blizzards, gales, and temperatures nearing 100 degrees below zero. The men then watched in horror as their ship succumbed to the pressure of the frozen ocean, breaking to rubble and sinking before the waters around it had a chance to melt. The crew’s only hope for survival was to attempt an escape across the most treacherous waters on the face of the globe in three salvaged lifeboats. This event is sponsored by the Winnebago County Historical and Archaeological Society.



Date(s) & Time(s)

Start: Tue, Sep 11th 2018 6:00 PM
End: Tue, Sep 11th 2018 9:00 PM


Oshkosh Public Library

Contact Information

Leslie Walfish
(520) 465-6253
Visit Website